
クロスビ アダムCrosby Adam
English is a skill that can open doors to your career
Motivation and English language learning
Motivation and English
教育博士 University of New England, 2024
東洋医療専門学校 (2002-2007)
立命館大学・関西外大 (株)SEICO所属講師 (2007-2011)
近畿大学経営学部 (2014-2019)
立命館大学・関西外大 (株)SEICO所属講師 (2007-2011)
近畿大学経営学部 (2014-2019)
- The motivation of Japanese University Students to Speak English
- Utilizing Students to Motivate Other Students: Methods to Use and Retain Vocabulary 関西外国語大学高等教育研究論集第3号 2013年
- An Effective Way to Summarize Challenging Articles 近畿大学教養 外国語教育センター紀要第5巻第2号 2014年
- Why Japan Must Adopt the Endonormative Model Hawaii TESOL Volume 24, Issue 1. 2014年
- The Crisis Facing the Private Japanese University Industry近畿大学教養 外国語教育センター紀要第7巻第1号2016年
- Reading as an Educational Tool: MReader and Extensive Reading. Hawaii TESOL Volume 28, Issue 2. 2019年
- The Native-Speaker Model in Japan: Failure, Success, or Cultural Manipulation? Journal on English Language Teaching, Volume 9 Issue 4, 1-4, 2019年
- Assessing Students’ Understanding of Language Goals and Needs. Osaka JALT Journal, Volume 7, 99-109, 2020年 (Co-author).
- Cultural Considerations and Teaching Strategies in English Language Classrooms. English Australia Journal, Volume 38 Number 2, 40-43、2020年
- Nursing Students’ Usage of Translation Software for English Writing Assignments. Nursing English Nexus, Vol 7, Number 1, 15-18、2023年
- The complexity of silence in Japanese classrooms: Teachers’ perspectives、Journal of Silence Studies in Education, Volume 4, Number 1, 13-23、2024年
- Revisiting the Foreign Language Classroom Anxiety Scale、 International Journal of English Language, Education and Literature、Vol 4, Issue 1, 29-34、2025年
- Fostering Engagement Through Imagined Identities: Exploring the Role of Aspirational Goals in Japanese University Students’ Participation in English Language Classrooms, International Journal of Language, Linguistics, Literature and Culture 4(1) 95-103 2025年2月
- Venn Diagrams in the Classroom For Junior College Students 関西外国語大学 第2関西外大 「授業実践研究フォーラム」2013年
- Methods to Use and Retain Vocabulary 関西外国語大学第3関西外大「授業実践研究フォーラム」2014年
- どこが違う?西洋と日本の言語文化神戸研究学園都市大学交流推進協議会2021年
- Silence in English Classes: Differing Perceptions Between Western and Japanese Teachers 6th JANET Conference 2024年6月9日
- Comfortable Care that can be Provided at Disaster Sites: Possibility of Thermal Cloth Contributing to the Recovery Process of Disaster Victims
- Kaya Higuchi, Akira Futatsugi, Kuniyasu Kamiya, Adam Crosby, Takako Uchiyama, The 8th International Research Conference of World Society of Disaster Nursing, Kobe City College of Nursing 2024年11月30日
- Japanese University Students’ Silence and Participation in English Language Classrooms, Asian Conference for Innovation in Education (ACIE 2025) 2025年3月3日
research map
- JEMUN日本英語模擬国連、JANET
- コミュニケーション英語A・B
- コミュニケーション英語ⅡA・B
- Abstract Writing
- Presentation